
Fostering Community & Growth Together

Whoever said being an adult is easy was definitely lying. From working, to navigating family dynamics, to growing older –– adulthood is a difficult path on the journey of life and faith.

At BBC, we seek to give adults of all ages a place to plug-in where they can serve, grow, and walk together.

Whatever stage of adulthood you find yourself in, there is a place for you here!




Adult Schedule


9:00am - 9:45am - Sunday School (See Below)
10:00am - 11:00pm - Worship (Sanctuary)
6:00pm - 6:30pm - Dinner (Fellowship Hall)
6:30pm - 7:30pm - Sunday Nights (See Below)

Week Days

11:00am - 12:00pm - BBC Engaged Aging Monthly Lunch & More (See Below)

Week Nights

6:30pm - 9:30pm - First Fridays (See Below)
6:00pm - 7:00pm - Theology On Tap (See Below)

Sunday School

  • Koinonia (20s, 30s, 40s) - Rm. 200
  • Cornerstone (40s - 50s) - Sanctuary
  • Friends - (50s+) -  Rm. 202/203
  • Baracca - (Senior Adult Men) - Sanctuary

Sunday Nights

  • 1st Sundays (Men's & Women's Ministries)
  • 2nd Sundays (Bible Study)
  • 3rd Sundays (Community Gathering)
  • 4th Sundays (Missions)
  • 5th Sundays (Sabbath Rest)

Week Days/Nights

  • 1st Fridays (Young Adult Koinonia Gathering) - TBD Monthly
  • 2nd Wednesdays (Theology On Tap) - Salvaged Heirlooms
  • 4th Mondays (Engaged Aging Monthly Lunch & More) - Cornerstone Cafe & Coffee

Upcoming Events