What the Recent By-law Revisions Mean for You

On Sunday, May 7, 2023, the Church voted in conference to amend our bylaws in relation to multiple areas including beliefs, membership requirements, and affiliations. What do these now enacted revisions mean for you? Read below.


If you are not currently a member of Benson Baptist Church, the revisions may affect you:
  • Baptism Requirement Changed
    • "A person who has been baptized in another congregation by other modes of baptism may be received where candidates affirm their previous baptisms signify their acknowledgement of faith in Jesus Christ. (Immersion is always offered, but not required of those candidates)." 
      • What This Means: Previously, Benson Baptist required baptism by immersion (at BBC, or in another Christian denomination) for full membership. Following the revisions, individuals can now join Benson Baptist if they have been baptized in another Christian denomination, but by another method of baptism (i.e.: christening). While Benson Baptist will only baptize by immersion ourselves (and will always offer it to anyone who joins), it is now not a requirement for membership for those for whom their baptism in another Christian denomination (even if non-immersion) is representative of their walk with Christ. If an individual has never been baptized at all, immersion is still a requirement for membership.

  • Watchcare Membership
    • "Watchcare affiliation membership is for those persons desiring to affiliate with the church on a temporary basis but wanting to leave their membership at another church. Such candidates shall present themselves as described above and the Church shall act upon their request. Persons under the watchcare of the church have all the rights of membership except the right to vote on church matters or to hold any church office. A member under watchcare may hold committee responsibilities... Watchcare members wishing to remain as members, will need to renew their watchcare membership with the Church Office every two years to remain on the membership roll."
      • What This Means: Watchcare membership is now available to any individual who is unable to move their church membership from a church where they are a currently a member. Examples of this might include an individual whose burial plots are tied with another congregation or a college student who attends Benson Baptist but does not anticipate staying in the area longterm. Watchcare members are not full members of the congregation (voting, etc.), but are considered members of BBC. Unlike full members, Watchcare membership has a duration of two years. Every two years, watchcare members can choose to renew their membership. Additionally. any watchcare member may join as a full member at any time.


As of the May 7 church conference vote, Benson Baptist Church is now affiliated only with the Benson Area Ministerial Association, the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of North Carolina, and the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, Global. We will, of course, continue to partner with other congregations and entities as we seek to build the Kingdom of God together, but our official partnerships are with those three entities listed above.