Lent 2022

Lent is a season of refocus. A season to reflect on the journey of Jesus toward the cross and Easter. Mirrored off of Jesus' 40 days of temptation in the desert, the Lenten season lasts 40 days (not including Sundays), beginning on Ash Wednesday and ending with Holy Saturday (the day before Easter). Scroll down to find out how you can engage with us during this season of reflection.

Lenten Season Events & Services

Ash Wednesday Service

Lent begins at BBC with our Ash Wednesday service on March 2 at 7:00 PM. This service serves as a powerful reminder of our mortality and prepares us for the journey toward the cross ahead.


Lenten Sermon Series

Join us as we move through the journey of Jesus toward the cross together. Each week our messages will focus on a different part of Jesus' journey and how it relates to our lives. Begins with the first Sunday of Lent on March 6.

During Sunday morning services

KIDS | Resurrection Gardens

Kids are invited to join us for a special event on March 6 at 1 PM focused on the full meaning of the Lenten season and Easter. They'll make Resurrection Gardens together to use as a reminder of the full love that Jesus has for them!

Fellowship Hall

Youth Easter Egg Fundraiser

Let our youth group egg your yard (or the yard of your friend, grandkid, or anyone!) as they raise money or summer camp and other youth group events.

To sign-up, email will@bensonbaptist.org.

KIDS | Easter Egg Hunt

An annual favorite, our Easter egg hunt will return on Saturday,  April 9 at Noon. There will be eggs scattered throughout our church campus for kids to find and lunch will be provided!

Church Grounds/Fellowship Hall

Palm Sunday Services

Palm Sunday is a special service in our church year because it features our kids waving in palm branches during our services and because it marks Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem at the beginning of Holy Week.

During Sunday morning services

Holy Week Events

Holy Week marks the final journey of Jesus into Jerusalem following the events of Palm Sunday, and preceding the events of Good Friday.  We'll have events all week at the church for you to walk with Jesus, including Stations of the Cross which will be available in our Fellowship Hall beginning Palm Sunday.

Fellowship Hall

Maundy Thursday Service

Join us on Thursday, April 14 at 7 PM as we remember Jesus' final meal with his disciples and as we prepare for the events of Good Friday as Jesus gives up his life for us.


Easter Sunday Services

The final event of the Lenten Season is Easter Sunday as we gather to celebrate Jesus' resurrection and victory over death. Join us at 8:45 AM (Contemporary) or 11 AM (Traditional) as we celebrate the risen Savior!

During Sunday morning services